-- card: 17168 from stack: in.2r -- bmap block id: 0 -- flags: 0000 -- background id: 16981 -- name: System Messages -- part contents for background part 11 ----- text ----- 2 -- part contents for background part 1 ----- text ----- System Messages -- part contents for background part 12 ----- text ----- ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Messages sent to a button: newButton -- sent as soon as it is created deleteButton -- sent just before it disappears mouseDown -- sent when the mouse button is down while the pointer is inside it's rect. mouseStillDown --sent repeatedly while mouse button is held down with pointer inside rect mouseUp --sent when button is released while pointer is inside rect mouseEnter --sent as soon as the pointer is moved within its rect mouseWithin --sent repeatedly while pointer is within its rect mouseLeave --sent as soon as the pointer is moved outside its rect ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Messages sent to a field: newField --sent as soon as it has been created deleteField --sent just before it disappears openField --sent to an UNLOCKED field when it is opened for text editing, by clicking the mouse pointer in the field or moving the text insertion point from the previous field closeField --sent to an UNLOCKED field when it is closed after text editing. The message is not sent unless some text was actually changed. mouseDown --sent to a LOCKED field when the mouse buttton is pressed down while the mouse pointer is inside it. mouseStillDown --sent to a LOCKED field repeatedly while the mouse button is pressed down while the pointer is inside it. mouseUp --sent to a LOCKED field when the mouse pointer is released while the pointer is released within it. mouseEnter --sent as soon as the pointer is moved inside it. mouseWithing --sent repeatedly while the pointer is inside it. mouseLeave --sent as soon as the pointer is moved outside of it. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Messages sent to a card: newCard --sent as soon as it has been created. deleteCard --sent to a card that is being deleted, just before it disappears. openCard --sent when it is opened by going to that card. closeCard --sent when it is closed, or by quitting Hypercard. mouseDown --sent when the mouse button is pressed down not within a button or field. mouseStillDown --sent repeatedly while the mouse button is held down not within a button or field. mouseUp --sent when the mousebutton is released startUp --sent to the first card when Hypercard is first started. idle --sent repeatedly when nothing else is happening. returnKey --sent when the Return key is pressed. enterKey --sent when the Enter key is pressed. tabKey --sent when the Tab key is pressed. arrowKey --sent when an arrow key is pressed. The var can be left,right,up,down. functionKey --sent when a function key on Apple Extended Keyboard is pressed. The var can contain 1 to 15. controlKey --sent when a combination of the command keyand another key is pressed. The var can contain 1 to 255. newBackground --sent as soon as a new background has been created. deleteBackground --sent when a background is deleted, just before it disappears. openBackground --sent when Edit Background is checked on the Edit Menu, or command-B is selected to toggle it on. closeBackground --sent when Edit Background is unchecked on the Edit menu or command-B is pressed to toggle it off. newStack --sent when a stack is created. deleteStack --sent when a stack is deleted, just before it disappears. openStack --sent when a stack is opened. closeStack --sent when a stack is closed by opening another stack. help --sent when Help is chosen from the Go menu, or comman-? is typed. suspend --sent when Hypercard is suspended. resume --sent when Hypercard resumes running. quit --sent when you choose Quit Hypercard from the File menu, or type Command-Q.